Closing date: 12 Oct 2018
Role description
The ICRC is regularly faced with challenges related to weapon contamination. Such contamination can be of a conventional or a non-conventional type and include unexploded or abandoned ordnance, landmines, weaponised or industrial toxic agents.
The ICRC undertakes a range of activities to minimize the impact of weapon contamination on affected populations and to ensure a rapid and effective response. Such response could be one or more of the following activities:
- Information gathering and analyses of weapon contamination,
- Risk awareness and risk education on conventional and non-conventional (CBRN) weapons hazards, including in urban armed violence contexts,
- Risk based training to increase resilience for civilians in armed conflict,
- Non-technical and technical survey activities,
- Clearance of conventional and non-conventional (CBRN) weapon hazards;
- Capacity building of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and authorities.
The ICRC WeC services are focused on the following four strategic areas:
- Assist in managing risks posed by weapon related hazards to own staff and partners as a part of the organisations ‘duty of care’ processes,
- Assist in maintaining the integrity of the organisation by securing continuation of key operations in situations where weapons or weapons systems pose a risk,
- Assist in protecting the vulnerable in situations of armed conflict (e.g. risk education, risk management or contribute to a more robust Conduct of Hostilities reporting) and;
- Support the development of the National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in their implementation of WeC activities.
The WeC Delegate - EOD Specialist works under the administrative authority of the Head of Delegation of the duty station in which the coordinator is based or the WeC Coordinator when applicable.
Main activities
- In her/his country of deployment, to ensure that weapon contamination related needs are effectively understood by the management team and properly relayed to the Regional Weapon Contamination Adviser (through the WeC Coordinator when applicable).
- In her/his country of deployment, to ensure that the necessary resources are availed to implement EOD related activities.
- To ensure that the ICRC and Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement remain engaged with relevant national bodies, processes and activities.
- Develop a thorough understanding of the weapon contamination situation in her/his area of responsibility and provide ICRC management with hazards identification and risk assessments of the likely impact of weapon contamination on staff, operations and civilians in affected areas.
- Develop and maintain Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other guidelines for ICRC EOD related activities.
- Manage all aspects of ICRC EOD operations including survey, data management, planning, prioritisation and task implementation.
- Contribute to ICRC reports to authorities by providing post-strike weapon technical forensic assessments of specific locations.
- In coordination with the WeC Coordinator when applicable, provide training, mentoring, orientation and support to ICRC and RC / RC Movement staff and national mine action structures.
- In coordination with the WeC Coordinator when applicable, promote understanding and implementation of the Movement Strategy and the Preventive Mine Action Operations Framework.
- In coordination with the WeC Coordinator when applicable, maintain and promote institutional engagement with external national networks and engage with these networks as appropriate.
- Provide feedback and lessons learned from programmes to further develop and improve weapon contamination operational policy at the institutional level.
- In coordination with the WeC Coordinator when applicable, ensure WeC activities are implemented in a transversal manner in coordination with the different internal stakeholders and facilitate and complement other aspects of ICRC emergency programming such as relief distributions, water provision, and dead body management.
- In coordination with the WeC Coordinator when applicable, develop good working relationships with stakeholders in the area of responsibility (i.e. relief and development organisations, UN agencies and local government representatives) to maximise the impact of the ICRC’s work and to identify high priority areas for cooperation on WeC related activities.
- Creatively overcome challenges presented by operating in a conflict or post conflict environment.
Desired profile and skills
- Education: advanced university degree (master degree or equivalent) with a minimum of 3 years of relevant experience with demonstrated capabilities in management, planning and implementation of training/capacity building; or a first level university degree (bachelor degree or equivalent) with a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience; or military experience (or relevant police experience) at the senior NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) or officer level (or equivalent) with a minimum of 7 years of relevant experience
- Minimum EOD Level 3 (ref: 15464:2005 CEN Workshop Agreement for EOD Competency Standards for Humanitarian Mine Action - Part 5: Competency for EOD level 3)
- Instructor qualification (from an internationally recognised institution)
- Experienced and successful manager
- Basic training and CBRN reconnaissance level
- Excellent oral and written English, French Russian and Spanish language skills are an asset
- Driving licence (must cover manual transmissions – a licence for automatic transmission vehicles only is not sufficient)
- A demonstrated ability to establish effective working relationships at all levels both internally and externally
- Strong representation, communication and negotiation skills
- Excellent organisational skills and the ability to coordinate multiple activities
- Ability to meet deadlines and work calmly under pressure
- Excellent diplomatic skills, including proven experience and capacity to work constructively in teams under considerable pressure
Our operational & field constraints
- In line with the principle of neutrality, the ICRC does not assign personnel to a country of which they are nationals
- Candidates must be in good health and will have to do a medical check-up prior to departure in the field
- Candidates must possess a driving licence (for manual transmission vehicles)
- Candidates must be prepared to accept unaccompanied postings (i.e. no spouse, partner, children or dependents) for at least the first 6 months up to 24 months
What we offer
• Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
• Opportunities for further in-house training
• Attractive social benefits
• Minimum length of assignment: short term (few weeks up to 3 months) or long term missions (1 year min)
How to apply:
To apply, please visit: